An article by Stephen Lendman which places too much weight on the political stance of alleged "leaders" of the Ukrainian revolt...
(too old to reply)
2014-03-01 11:39:20 UTC
And not enough on the depths of the crisis, its real causes and the momentum of the active role of the Ukrainian people.

On the other hand, Lendman - an unfortunate but perhaps telling name for a Jew - is one of few on the Left who nail the proven THIEVING ROLE of the largely Rothschild owned Federal Reserve in usurping the Constitutional requirement for the government to perform the role of issuing money from which they instead make a continuous fortune in interest payments and similar for the Banks and Money Power in general.


Two volumes:
Waging Financial War on Humanity

How Wall Street Fleeces America:
Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War

His principled position on the 9-11 conspiracy is of course closely related to his stand on the Money Power

In this article he becomes unhinged...


Police State Ukraine

February 25th, 2014
by Stephen Lendman

What kind of government establishes itself by force? What kind does it extrajudicially?

What kind of legitimacy do ultranationalist, xenophobic, neo-Nazi, anti-Semites have? What kind substitutes unrestrained coercion for rule of law principles? What kind rules by intimidation?

What kind eliminates all political opposition? What kind bans all opposition information and opinions? The same kind substituting fascist dictatorship for democracy.

On Saturday, Ukrainian freedom died. Fascist extremism replaced it. Coup plotters seized power. They did so extrajudicially. They began consolidating rule straightaway.

A previous article discussed it. Hardline extremists control parliament. An illegitimate temporary president was installed. New ministry heads were appointed.

Terror, fear and uncertainty grip Ukraine. Most people don't realize they were had. Anti-government supporters were deceived. Power-grabbing Western-supported fascists now run things.

Democratic governance is gone. Police state lawlessness replaced it. Ukrainian was declared the sole official language. Russian was recognized earlier.

Nearly 30% of Ukrainians consider Russian their mother tongue. Expect recognition of other regional languages to be ended.

On Sunday, the 2012 On State Language Policy law was rescinded. It lets regions declare their own official languages along with Ukrainian.

Many Ukrainians are multilingual. Tatar is widely spoken in Crimea. Oleh Tyahnybok heads Ukraine's neo-Nazi Svoboda party.

He wants use of Russian language criminalized. He wants ethnic Russians stripped of their citizenship.

He wants them denied all rights. He wants them treated like Israel treats Palestinians.

Russian TV channels were banned. Expect greater control over all media content. Expect total information control. Police states operate this way. Opposition isn't tolerated.

Fascist parliamentarians drafted legislation banning the Communist party and former ruling Party of Regions.

On Monday, Rada member Oleg Lyashko said:

"I've already registered the relevant resolution with the parliament. (T)he Party of Regions together with their partners, the Communists, is to blame in the current developments in the country."

Whether this legislation passes remains to be seen. Introducing it suggests other police laws to follow.

Arrest warrants were issued for President Viktor Yanukovych, Party of Regions ministers, and law enforcement officials. Around 50 individuals are targeted.

Some went into hiding for protection. Yanukovych went to Kharkov. It's in Eastern Ukraine. It's close to Russia's border. He has lots of supporters there.

He's a marked man. His life is in danger. So is anyone opposing fascist rule.

Russia's Foreign Ministry expressed concern. It issued a statement saying:

"The position of some of our Western partners doesn't show genuine concern, but a desire to act out of geopolitical self-interest."

"There is no condemnation of criminal actions by extremists, including manifestations of neo-Nazism and anti-Semitism. In fact, these are being encouraged."

"(O)utside sponsors (support) regime change." They reject "national consensus."

"We urge those embroiled in the crisis in Ukraine to show responsibility, and to prevent further deterioration of the situation, to return to the rule of law, and to stop extremists in their bid for power."

Paramilitary thugs in improvised body armor patrol Kiev streets. They do so with baseball bats and shields. They intimidate anyone challenging them.

They still occupy government buildings. Russia's Foreign Ministry said "they continue to carry out acts of violence."

They're enacting laws extrajudicially. They're doing so with a quorum of fascist deputies and Party of Regions defectors.

They mock historical monuments. The "Soviet Soldier" commemorating collective sacrifice against Nazi invaders was toppled in western Ukraine's Stryi, Lviv Oblast (province).

Two dozen Lenin statues were taken down. Dnepropetrovsk's Lenin Square was renamed Heroes of Maidan Square.

Kharkov's UBR TV aired Yanukovych's prerecorded message. "Everything that is happening today is, to a greater degree, about vandalism, bandits and a coup d'etat," he said.

He called what's ongoing Ukraine's greatest crisis since Hitler usurped power.

"We now see the same things that were (happening) in the 1930s," he said. Nazis established dictatorial rule. Opposition political parties were outlawed.

"It's the same now," said Yanukovych. They banned the former ruling party. They "stalk, beat people, (and) burn down offices."

Elements in charge are ultranationalist neo-Nazis. They're allied with likeminded extremists. Hooliganism continues.

Russia's Foreign Ministry accused them of using "revolutionary justification to "forbid (using) Russian language entirely, encourage a lustration, liquidate (opposition) parties," silence media they disapprove of, "and remove the limitations on neo-Nazi propaganda."

Moscow recalled its ambassador. On Monday, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said:

"We do not understand what is going on there. (A) real threat to our interests (exists) and to the lives and health of our citizens."

Coup plotters have no legitimacy, he added. He expressed concern over Western leaders supporting what's ongoing.

"Strictly speaking, today there is no one there to communicate with." he said. "The legitimacy of a number of power bodies is in huge doubt."

"If you consider people in black masks strolling through Kiev with Kalashnikov rifles (representing) a government, then it will be difficult for us to work with such a government," he stressed.

"Some our foreign, western partners hold the opposite opinion. They think these people (are) legitimate power bodies."

"I do not know what constitution and what laws they have been reading, but I hold that it is some sort of conscience aberration when you call something legitimate while in reality it is a result of a mutiny."

Ukraine's future is very much up for grabs. Perhaps balkanization looms. One or more regional authorities may split from Kiev.

Eastern Ukraine, especially Crimea, are likely candidates. They're pro-Russian. Vladimir Putin once called Soviet Russia's dissolution modern history's greatest tragedy.

He expressed most concern about Ukraine. It was part of Russia's heartland, its breadbasket and gateway to the West. Crimea is home to its Black Sea Fleet. It's too strategically important to lose.

If eastern Ukrainian regions reject coup d'etat rule, Russia may likely support them. Quiet diplomacy may help them split away.

Two, three or more Ukraines may result. What happens going forward bears close watching.

Professor Mark Almond believes Ukraine's crisis may have wider impact than most people expect.

It's "a mistake to think we are watching from a safe distance," he said. "(N)ot since the 1850s (Crimean War) has" Ukraine and Western countries "come so close to colliding with Russia."

Eastern Ukraine opposes coup plotters deposing Yanukovych. Possible civil war worries Almond. "But what makes the crisis so dangerous is the international dimension," he stresses.

Ukraine is hugely important for Moscow. Washington wants it part of NATO. It shares a 1,400 kilometer border with Russia.

Imagine US bases close by. Imagine first-strike, nuclear-armed, long-range missiles on alert. What follows remains to be seen. According to Almond:

"If political and economic chaos leads to civil war...Yugoslavia's break-up would seem like a vicarage tea party" by comparison.

Doing so could ignite an East-West confrontation. Eastern Ukraine, especially Crimea, may be Moscow's red line.

Crossing it could be a point of no return. The fullness of time will tell if Washington tries. Imagine risking WW III if Obama dares. He bit off more than he can chew. He's got a tiger by the tail.

Fascist extremists usurped power. On Friday, Right Sector ultranationalist Aleksandr Muzychko said "I'll be fighting Jews and Russians till I die."

It's leader, Dmitry Yarosh, is unapologetically fascist. He and likeminded extremists formed militias. They control Kiev. They have much to say about policies going forward.

Francis Boyle calls events in Ukraine "a brownshirt revolution...Rabid Russia haters like Zbignew Brzezinski and (Islamophobe) Richard Pipes" planned it," he said.

Brzezinski wants Russia balkanized, he believes. He wants it split in about "68 parts." He was Obama's mentor at Columbia University.

He staffed his administration with acolytes and proteges like departing US ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul. He's a neocon connected to Stanford University's Hoover Institute.

Boyle calls him a "color revolution specialist." He quoted former US Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz saying "(w)e are going to get into the business of destroying states."

He had all independent ones in mind. Syria is in the eye of the storm. So are Ukraine and Venezuela. Iran's turn awaits.

Hegemons stop at nothing for unchallenged power. How much Ukraine's crisis escalates further remains to be seen.

A possible major East-West confrontation could follow. Imagine risking what no responsible leader would dare. Global wars start this way.

2014-03-02 05:10:03 UTC
Post by t***@yahoo.com.au
And not enough on the depths of the crisis, its real causes and the momentum of the active role of the Ukrainian people.
On the other hand, Lendman - an unfortunate but perhaps telling name for a Jew - is one of few on the Left who nail the proven THIEVING ROLE of the largely Rothschild owned Federal Reserve in usurping the Constitutional requirement for the government to perform the role of issuing money from which they instead make a continuous fortune in interest payments and similar for the Banks and Money Power in general.
Waging Financial War on Humanity
Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War
His principled position on the 9-11 conspiracy is of course closely related to his stand on the Money Power
In this article he becomes unhinged...
Another even more strident contribution, clearly terrified by the rise of Nationalism, which is the only currently available tool of the masses to fight the takeover of their nation by the Money Power of varied outside sources:


"...they propagated a new crusade against the Orthodox and directly instigated and justified race-motivated prosecutions and even killings, acting exactly like radical jihadist preachers of the militant pseudo-Islamic sects. Suffice to watch a "Sunday sermon" by Mykhailo Arsenych, the clergyman from a local Uniate church in Ivano-Frankovsk region, Ukraine saying: "Today we are really ready for a revolution.The only effective methods of combat are assassination and terror! We want to be sure that no Chinese, Negro, Jew or Muscovite will try to come and grab our land tomorrow!"

This is the very point made by Vngelis...the hysterics of the article even extending to a trembling before (in the own nations mind you!) "...radical jihadist preachers of the militant pseudo-Islamic sects". Libya is even contextualised in the Ukrainian context:

"...Thus Yanukovych's regime itself paved the way for a sinister ghost of the war-torn Libya to come to Ukraine."


The Ukraine: Neo-Nazi criminal state looming in the centre of Europe

On February 22, militants and terrorists of the Euromaidan Parliament executed a neo-Nazi coup using armed force, violating all norms of the Constitution, international law, and trampling European values. Washington and Brussels - who told the world that Euromaidan is a nonviolent action of the Ukrainian people - instigated a Nazi coup to serve the geopolitical interests of the West, facilitated de facto by the weak-kneed stance of the Yanukovych government.


"There are many who do not know they are fascists
but will find it out when the time comes."
Ernest Hemingway, For Whom the Bell Tolls

After signing a void agreement on "crisis settlement" on Friday, the situation in the Ukraine has rapidly got out of control of it signatories and "witnesses". No provisions of this document were fulfilled. The legitimate authorities fled (or tried to flee) the country, the governmental buildings in Kiev are taken by the revolutionary mob. The radicals are dictating the new rules to façade opposition "leaders" who desperately try to bridle the Maidan.

What happened to the Ukraine on February 22, 2014 is essentially a criminal coup committed by the radical armed anarchists and Ukrainian Nazis who have been enjoying a comprehensive financial, military, diplomatic and even religious support and instigation from the Western power groups for the last two decades. Many of the Ukraine's cities are now falling into the chaos of lootings, unprovoked violence, lynch law and political repressions.

The first signs of upcoming chaos were clearly seen as the Ukrainian authorities wavered at the three-month siege of the centre of Kiev by the radical guerrilla elements from Galicia and local criminal gangs. They watched silently when furious fanatics were burning unarmed riot police Berkut officers alive, lynching them and pulling out their eyes. They did nothing to stop frantic "freedom fighters" from storming regional administrations, humiliating the officials and looting police and military arsenals in the West Ukraine. They were paralyzed when unidentified snipers were cold-bloodily killing militia personnel, protesters and casual passersby from the roofs of Kiev's buildings. They even declared amnesty (twice!) to those guilty of the brutal crimes against policemen and public order. Thus Yanukovych's regime itself paved the way for a sinister ghost of the war-torn Libya to come to Ukraine.

Is the guerrilla side a self-organized and self-indoctrinated popular movement tired of a corrupt and inefficient state? That is hardly the case.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union the international power groups have invested billions of the Federal Reserve notes (aka US$) into Ukrainian "pro-democratic" NGOs and politicians. While preaching "Ukrainian commitment to the European choice and democratic values" in the meantime they clearly saw that there is no short-term historical perspective for making Ukraine a state hostile to Russia, which is evidently the final goal of the globalist Eastern policy. The stakes were placed on the ultranationalist elements in the Western Ukraine and in the Uniate Church, a minority religious Greek-Catholic community of the Eastern rite, created by the Holy See in XVI century in a desperate attempt to weaken close ties of Rzeczpospolita's Orthodox with Moscow. Since the early 1990s the Uniates enjoyed silent support of the newly-independent central authorities in Kiev. Theit tactic was to aggressively occupy Orthodox cathedrals on the canonic territory of the Moscow Patriarchate. The last thing the Uniate clergy used to preach in the occupied churches for all these years was the Christian call for repentance and peace. Instead they propagated a new crusade against the Orthodox and directly instigated and justified race-motivated prosecutions and even killings, acting exactly like radical jihadist preachers of the militant pseudo-Islamic sects. Suffice to watch a "Sunday sermon" by Mykhailo Arsenych, the clergyman from a local Uniate church in Ivano-Frankovsk region, Ukraine saying: "Today we are really ready for a revolution.The only effective methods of combat are assassination and terror! We want to be sure that no Chinese, Negro, Jew or Muscovite will try to come and grab our land tomorrow!"

The products of such indoctrination were not long in coming. A number of NATO-sponsored training centers for the Ukrainian ultranationalist militants were opened on the territory of the Baltic states immediately after they joined NATO in 2004. The detailed photo report on a Ukrainian group taking a course of subversive activities at a NATO training center in Estonia in 2006 is available here (texts in Russian).

JPEG - 30.4 kb
Olexander Muzychko today in Kiev (left) and in Chechnya in 1994.
Abundant financial and human resources were directed to bolster the paramilitary units of the radical UNA-UNSO, Svoboda and other ultranationalist organizations in the Ukraine. Since 1990s these thugs were participating in the Chechen and Balkan wars on the side of radical Wahhabi (!) militants and committing war crimes against captured Russian and Serbian soldiers and civilian population. One of the notorious guerilla fighters of the Ukrainian origin in Chechnya, Olexander Muzychko (aka criminal leader Sasha Biliy) today is heading a brigade of "Pravyi Sector", the radical militant driving force of the ongoing coup d'Etat in Kiev. According to his "official" biography (link in Russian), in 1994 he was awarded by the then top commander of terrorist Ichkeria enclave Dzhohar Dudayev with the order "Hero of Nation" for "outstanding military successes against Russian troops". His "military skills" were quite specific: he used to lure the Russian units operating in remote Chechen locations to guerilla ambushes. Then he personally participated in tortures and beheadings of the captured Russian soldiers. After returning to the Ukraine in 1995, he led a criminal gang in Rovno. Eventually he was prosecuted and sentences for 8 years term for kidnapping for ransom and attempted assassination of a Ukrainian businessman. He entered politics after release from prison in late 2000s.

After the end of Chechen and Balkan wars the British and American private military contractors were routinely recruiting Ukrainian mercenaries for operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and elsewhere. The Britam Defense scandal revealed the way and scale of how the Ukrainian personnel of the private military contractors were used in provocative clandestine actions to meet Western political goals in the Middle East. Many of them were sent to Kiev to make the job they are paid for - to target both policemen and protesters on "Euromaidan" from the roofs of surrounding buildings.

The real leaders of the protest have already clearly expressed their radical views to the European press (read e.g. the interview with the Pravyi Sector leader Dmitro Yarosh and several recent Guardian's publications here and here).

That is the sort of people the half-hearted European politicians are about to deal with in the Ukraine. These fanatics are the real authority in today's Kiev seized by the marauding mobs. They have torn the Friday's agreement signed by four Ukrainian "leaders" and three European officials before the ink was dry on this paper. Their treatment of Yulia Timoshenko after her emotional speech on the Maidan Saturday night has clearly shown that her nomination de facto head of failing Ukrainian state would be their decision. Latest Western advice to financially support Ukraine with the IMF and the EU funds suggest that they have chosen to buy the loyalty of the ultranationalists for the transition period. Therefore, the ongoing Western policy of appeasement towards the radical insurgents in Kiev very much resembles the Anglo-American connivance in Hitler's accession to power in Germany in 1933 and the rise of the Third Reich. But if the Western elitist groups suppose that the Neo-Nazi project that they have carefully cherished and supported in Ukraine for decades, would be controlled by political means and set against Russia, they are deadly wrong. After facing furious resistance and blowback at the East and South of the Ukraine, the radical Nazi ideological avalanche encouraged by the illusion of success in Kiev would inevitably enter the degrading European political landscape where the neo-Nazi and hooligan outbreaks are already a notable destabilizing factor. Their established links with the Islamist underground in Europe add another sinister dimension to the murky European future.

Is it the price the Europeans are ready to pay for bringing its eastern neighbors into the "family of civilized nations"?
2014-03-02 05:50:45 UTC
Post by t***@yahoo.com.au
Post by t***@yahoo.com.au
And not enough on the depths of the crisis, its real causes and the momentum of the active role of the Ukrainian people.
On the other hand, Lendman - an unfortunate but perhaps telling name for a Jew - is one of few on the Left who nail the proven THIEVING ROLE of the largely Rothschild owned Federal Reserve in usurping the Constitutional requirement for the government to perform the role of issuing money from which they instead make a continuous fortune in interest payments and similar for the Banks and Money Power in general.
Waging Financial War on Humanity
Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War
His principled position on the 9-11 conspiracy is of course closely related to his stand on the Money Power
In this article he becomes unhinged...
"...they propagated a new crusade against the Orthodox and directly instigated and justified race-motivated prosecutions and even killings, acting exactly like radical jihadist preachers of the militant pseudo-Islamic sects. Suffice to watch a "Sunday sermon" by Mykhailo Arsenych, the clergyman from a local Uniate church in Ivano-Frankovsk region, Ukraine saying: "Today we are really ready for a revolution.The only effective methods of combat are assassination and terror! We want to be sure that no Chinese, Negro, Jew or Muscovite will try to come and grab our land tomorrow!"
"...Thus Yanukovych's regime itself paved the way for a sinister ghost of the war-torn Libya to come to Ukraine."
Quote from above (Voltaire) article:
"Is it the price the Europeans are ready to pay for bringing its eastern neighbors into the "family of civilized nations"?"

So "Europe", the Global-Imperialist EU, is too good for them?

This statement betrays the Globalist connections of the author.
2014-03-02 06:11:29 UTC
There are some important points made here, but one wonders how much the secondary question of "Anti-Semitism" (directed at ordinary Jews, that is) influences his posture.

In any event, the defence of Russia would be the most fundamental question in the - unlikely - event of US-EU military interference. Similarly, the right of existence of Western Ukraine to form a separate nation (independent of the EU) and of the Russian speaking - Eastern - half of Ukraine and Crimea to secede into the CIS must be supported. It now appears that loyalties in these direction are long standing.


Ukraine: Potential Flashpoint for Global War

by Stephen Lendman

Obama heads the most recklessly dangerous regime in world history. It's ruthless. It's lawless. It's out-of-control. It's reincarnated Nazism writ large.

War on humanity is the new normal. Crazed hegemonic ambitions drive policy. A potential devastating East/West confrontation looms. Will Ukraine be the flashpoint igniting it?

US-supported neo-Nazis usurped power. Anyone opposing them risks arrest, physical harm or death.

Democracy is a dead letter. Fascists rule solely by diktats. Elections when held will be farcical.

Ukrainians haven't yet awakened to nightmarish conditions they face. How they'll react remains to be seen. Civil war may erupt.

Most eastern and southern Ukrainians favor close ties to Russia. They reject neo-Nazi coup d'etat Kiev governance. It has no legitimacy.

Conditions remain incendiary. Obama bears full responsibility for what's ongoing. Corrupt EU partners share it.

Neocons run US policy. Unchallenged global dominance ambitions drive them. One war after another is waged.

Peace is a convenient illusion. Media scoundrels cheerlead what demands condemnation. Ordinary people able to resist do nothing.

The Cold War never ended. An inevitable showdown seems possible. Washington wants Russia eliminated as a rival. It wants it neutralized. It wants it balkanized into powerless mini-states.

Imagine the unimaginable. Imagine possible global war. Waging it risks the unthinkable. Crazed US policymakers ignore the risk of armageddon.

Events in Ukraine remain fluid. They're fast-moving. Overnight, dozens of armed men in military uniforms raided Crimea's Simferopol International Airport.

They left but still patrol outside. According to an airport spokesman, they searched for Ukrainian airborne troops. They pulled back after finding none.

They set up a perimeter around Simferopol's Belbek civilian/military airport. One man told BBC: "I'm with the People's Militia of Crimea. We're simple people, volunteers."

"We're here at the airport to maintain order. We'll meet the planes with a nice smile. The airport is working as normal."

New Interior Minister Arsen Avakov is one of many fascist thugs in charge. In 2012, he was placed on an Interpol wanted list. He was charged with illegally transferring land.

He was detained in Italy. He was placed under house arrest. He managed to avoid imprisonment.

He holds a powerful position in Ukraine's coup d'etat government. He enjoy's Washington's support.

He wrongfully accused Moscow of blockading Sevastopol's airport. He called it an "armed provocation," adding:

"I consider what happened to be a military invasion and occupation in violation of all international agreements and norms."

Russia denied involvement. A statement issued said: "No units of the Black Sea fleet were deployed in the area of Belbek nor did they take place in blockading it."

From Brussels, US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel warned Russia against involvement in Ukrainian affairs.

"We expect other nations to respect Ukraine's sovereignty and avoid provocative action," he said.

"That's why I'm closely watching Russia's military exercises along the Ukrainian border..."

NATO secretary general Fogh Rasmussen Twittered his own warning, saying:

"I urge Russia not to take any action that can escalate tension or create misunderstanding. I'm concerned about developments in Crimea."

At a news conference, he called them "dangerous and irresponsible."

NATO ministers in Brussels issued similar warnings. A statement said they'll "continue to support Ukrainian sovereignty and independence, territorial integrity, democratic development and the principle of inviolability of frontiers, as key factors of stability and security in Central and Eastern Europe and on the continent as a whole."

US-led NATO is a killing machine. It threatens world peace. It's responsible for turning peaceful countries into dystopian wastelands.

It wants them plundered for profit. It wants their people ruthlessly exploited. Moscow urged NATO to stop issuing provocative statements.

Russia's Foreign Ministry said "(w)hen NATO starts giving a consideration of the situation in Ukraine, it sends out the wrong signal."

In 1992, six former Soviet republics formed the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). They include Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

They belong to the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). Its Secretary General Nikolai Bordyuzha expressed alarm over events in Ukraine, saying:

"(D)estabilization and social chaos" remains ongoing. Militants said they'll take over every region of the country.

Physical reprisal threats are made. Memorials are vandalized. "There is a growth in extreme manifestations of (ultra)nationalism, Russophobia and anti-Semitism," said Bordyuzha.

"All this is happening against the backdrop of a forcible regime change and violations of the Ukrainian settlement deal concluded by the president and the opposition on February 21."

"The foreign ministers of France, Germany and Poland who certified the deal and supported the US have actually disavowed and breached the deal and denied recognition of the legitimacy of the lawfully elected Ukrainian president to whom they gave their firm assurances."

"We urge every side to stop the confrontation and anti-constitutional actions, to take the path of dialogue and start working on the restoration of stability and the provision of security."

"The lack of a constructive attitude and account of interests of third states in the Ukrainian settlement process will lead to further deteriorat(ing) (conditions) and will be fraught with a sharp aggravation of the situation in Europe."

On Friday, Ukraine's parliament called for a Security Council session. It wants it to discuss internal crisis conditions.

Under a 1993 agreement, major powers agreed to guarantee Ukraine's territorial integrity. It stipulates nothing about recognizing coup d'etat authority.

Moscow accused Washington and EU partners of blatant hypocrisy. Earlier in Munich, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accused Western politicians of inciting Ukraine violence.

They support the worst of what's ongoing, he said. They back hooliganism over responsible law and order.

"Why (did) no one condemn (the seizure of) administrative buildings, attack(s) (on) policemen (and) racist and anti-Semitic (chants and) slogans," asked Lavrov?

"Why (did) prominent European (and US) politicians actually encourag(e) the moves in question, although in their own countries they immediately clamp down on any encroachments on the letter of the law?"

"How would the European Union (and America) react if the Russian government openly supported street riots in (Washington), London, Paris or Hamburg, and sent its ministers to these cities to encourage the protesters?"

"What (do violent riots) have to do with promoting democratic principles?"

Coup d'etat governance prevents it entirely.

On February 27, Stop NATO headlined "Russian Combat Planes Redeploy to Emergency Airfields in West."

"Advanced groups of aviation specialists" are involved. Special ground-based equipment was delivered. What's ongoing relates to events in Ukraine.

Its coup d'etat government said Russian military forces outside stipulated areas would be considered acts of aggression.

Ukrainian interim president/Rada speaker Oleksandr Turchynov said "Ukrainian enemies should not try to destabilize the situation, should not encroach on our independence, sovereignty and territory."

"Any attempts to seize (Crimean) administrative buildings will be viewed as a crime against the Ukrainian state," he added.

At the same time, Crimea's parliament rejected the autonomous republic's government. Its Supreme Council passed an overwhelmingly supported no confidence motion.

It called work done by the Council of Ministers in Crimea in 2013 unsatisfactory. It terminated its powers. It dismissed its chairman.

Crimea's parliament rejects Kiev authority. A May 25 referendum will determine the autonomous republic's future. Ironically on the same day as Kiev's planned rigged election.

Odds favor Crimean independence declared. Doing so is entirely legal. According to the General Assembly Declaration of Principles of International Law in accordance with UN Charter provisions:

If government officials don't "conduct themselves in compliance with the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples and possess a government representing the whole people, belonging to the territory without distinction as to race, creed or color," it's grounds for secession.

Crimea may join Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
Doing so means confrontation. Will Russia defend its new member? Diplomatically for sure. Militarily if necessary.

CSTO provisions consider aggression against one member affecting them all. Signatories agreed to defend their collective security.

Ukrainian thugs are no match against well-trained troops. Key is what US-led NATO will do. Therein lies a key potential flashpoint.

Anything could follow an East/West confrontation. By no means can it be ruled out.

Wars follow incidents. Things can easily spiral out-of-control. America's entire history is belligerent. One war follows others.

Peace doesn't have a chance. Will Ukrainian events trigger war with Russia? Will the world's two most powerful nuclear states collide?

Does diplomacy have a chance to defuse things? Will cooler heads prevail? What happens going forward demands close watching.

Crimean militias were formed. They include thousands of volunteers. They control key roads. They looking for potential western Ukrainian and other hostile "visitors."

Senior Russian parliamentarians visited Crimea. They did so to express support. They met with local authorities.

Kharkov's Governor Mikhail Dobkin visited Moscow. On return, he resigned. He did so to run for Ukraine's presidency.

He's doing it more to challenge neo-Nazis than win. Whether he could legitimately succeed isn't clear. At most he can cry foul after losing.

What's planned is rigged to defeat regime challengers. The electoral outcome is a foregone conclusion.

A potential East/West military confrontation is very much up for grabs. Imagine if a country most Americans never heard of sparks it. Imagine what hopefully won't happen.
2014-03-02 06:14:50 UTC

How The IMF Will Loot Ukraine
By Brother Nathanael Kapner March 2, 2014 (c)

NOW THAT VICTORIA NULAND (born Nudelman, married to neocon Jew Kagan), got Yatz The Yid to head Kiev's illegitimate regime, the IMF can easily loot Ukraine.
The IMF, as an organized arm of Jewish banking, has two jackboots. Alternately they trample on the people. They work in a coordinated cadence.

First the left jackboot reels out the credit and hooks the impoverished and desperate borrower on the credit bait.

This is the loan phase. It's a soft kick with honey-coated poison as its bait.

When the debtors, like Ukraine, abandoning help from Christian Putin, can't service the debt, they reel them in with the right jackboot of austerity, cutting pensions and social services, devaluation of currency, higher taxes and utilities, foreclosure and privatization.

This is the looting phase. Inflation and recession don't cause loss. They cause transfer to Jews.

Yatz The Yid (Arseniy Yatsenyuk) is Jewry's perfect proxy. He's begging for money.

"Yatz" vows that Kiev will meet all the demands that the Washington-based IMF wants to enslave Ukraine with.

That's how the looting begins, with a head of State begging for money who is soon handed a restructuring agreement, pre-drafted for 'voluntary' signature.

"Don't panic!" IMF's Gentile window dressing LaGarde assured Yatz the Yid. "We're going to come and help you!"

Yatsenyuk has already initiated IMF's "help," that is, "looting," by imposing limits on cash withdrawals to $1400 a day on checking accounts and $335 a day on ATM withdrawals. A sneak-preview of "bail ins" HAS begun.

With enslavement guaranteed, one asks, "What will the IMF target for looting?"

The industries, linked with Russia since Soviet days, located in Russian-leaning Eastern/Southern Ukraine of which Western Ukraine is dependent for domestic goods and tax revenue.

It's not for "looks" and "provocation" that pro-Russian militias and barricades are popping up throughout entry points into Eastern Ukraine.

RUSSIAN INTERESTS abound in Eastern/Southern Ukraine of which Putin will act according to Russia's 2010 Military Doctrine.

"If there is a direct threat to our national interests we will defend ourselves," said the National Security Council upon issuance of the Doctrine.

Indeed, there IS a threat to Russia's national interests in Ukraine. Nuland's JewSA wants to weaken Russia's regional and global influence via a three-pronged attack:

1) Bring Ukraine's Eastern industries--economically tied to Russia--into IMF's clutches; 2) Cancel Russia's lease of its Black Sea Fleet in Crimea's Sevastopol warm water port, cutting off Russia's access to the Mediterranean; 3) Install a NATO base in its place.

First of all, Eastern Ukraine's industries are inextricably linked to Russia's Military Industrial Complex supporting their military bases.

Second, Yats The Yid's deputy prime minister just called for the cancellation of Russia's lease, known as the Kharkiv Agreements.

Putin will not allow this to happen. His warm water access to Iran, Syria, and Egypt depends on it. He's acting fast, catching the JewSA with its pants down as he did in South Ossetia in 2008.

Both houses of Russia's parliament, The Federation Council, has unanimously (even his political enemies) granted Putin the authority to deploy Russian troops into Crimea where the majority are loyal Russian Orthodox Christians.

The Council is apparently enraged with Obama's veiled threats to further destabilize Ukraine and that if Russia uses military force it would "pay the costs."

Before the vote took place, Russian senators said that Obama had threatened Russia and insulted the Russian people. They demanded that Putin recall the Russian ambassador to the USA.

Not only are Putin's political enemies rallying behind him to protect Russia's economic, military, and social interests in Crimea, but even Ukraine's Navy Flag Ship is siding with Russia. The ship has hoisted the Flag of St Andrew, the ensign of the Russian Navy.

NULAND'S LITTLE YID ..."Yatz"...is wetting his pants. His request to Turkey to stop the ship en route to Sevastopol, went unheeded. To add insult to the Yid's injury, the entire Ukraine Navy Command resigned.

Kiev's illegitimate 'acting president' made a BIG mistake in sacking Yuri Ilyin as Chief of Staff. The Navy struck back.

Apparently, they don't want JEWS ruling and looting their country...and Putin WILL protect Russia's interests against the designs of the Jew-ruled West.

Bravo Vladimir Putin! Protector of Christians worldwide!
2014-03-02 06:28:51 UTC
From the latest (Mar 2) Nat Kapner piece:

"Not only are Putin's political enemies rallying behind him to protect Russia's economic, military, and social interests in Crimea, but even Ukraine's Navy Flag Ship is siding with Russia. The ship has hoisted the Flag of St Andrew, the ensign of the Russian Navy.

NULAND'S LITTLE YID ..."Yatz"...is wetting his pants. His request to Turkey to stop the ship en route to Sevastopol, went unheeded. To add insult to the Yid's injury, the entire Ukraine Navy Command resigned.

Kiev's illegitimate 'acting president' made a BIG mistake in sacking Yuri Ilyin as Chief of Staff. The Navy struck back.

Apparently, they don't want JEWS ruling and looting their country...and Putin WILL protect Russia's interests against the designs of the Jew-ruled West."

This shows something of the heterogeneous character of the "Ukrainian" revolt, consistent with the position put by Vngelis.

How likely is it therefore that the EU-USA-Money Power will prevail?
Dusty Track
2023-01-20 04:04:16 UTC
