'The Stolen Generation' of Rabbit Proof Fence...the Truth...
(too old to reply)
Dusty Track
2023-10-07 19:05:03 UTC


Rabbit Proof Fence Debunked - Stolen Generations

Dusty Track
2023-10-07 19:20:32 UTC
A Comment to the video:

My “stolen” saved generation uncle had to go back to his mob one weekend per month. They don’t tell you that part, visitation. Anyway, he’d beg, cry and plead not to go. He said they’re abusive, neglectful and he didn’t get fed there, he wanted to stay at the farm with our family. We’re white, but also have some indigenous ancestors ourselves. My great grand mother was aboriginal, but she outright denied it always, didn’t want to be, hated the culture, liked the values and morals of the “white fellas”. My 2x great grandmother, on the other side of the family, was also aboriginal. Adopted age 2, by my 3rd x great grandparents who were released convicts from England. She had been removed as a baby from a mob who were apparently going to eat her. Her sister was also adopted at the same time, she was one month younger. From accounts passed down to me, they also wanted nothing to do with the indigenous culture, we’re saved not stolen.
This twisting of history makes me sick.
The aboriginal culture condones abuse to woman and children. It involved cannibalism and extreme violence. Plus they were all starving. White people bought farming to Australia, and made sure everyone was fed. When they arrived there were 750k aboriginal people in Australia. Now there are nearly 1million. Which is huge population boom for a tiny population. So white people didn’t decimate the aboriginal australians, they created the conditions in which they could increase in population.
The lies have to stop
Dusty Track
2023-10-07 19:27:17 UTC

Jacinta made a fantastic statement about multigenerational trauma over her ancestors forceful removal from England. Has to be the witty political remark of the year so far in Australian politics. But she is right. I had a white skinned, blonde haired flatmate who called himself indigenous but had no knowledge of the culture back around the time of Rudd's apology who remains a good mate today and he did this huge appeal about how I need to accept the need for an apology to 'his' people. I said 'Mate, you didn't even know you were indigenous until a few months ago'. It is a bit of a bandwagon and sadly the people who fall off and get forgotten are the people who have a genuine need for help. Governments need to stop wasting money on trying to fix historical wrongs and instead focus on; cost of living, reducing the gap between the poorest and median (regardless of race, gender, sexuality), infrastructure, health and just getting this country going. What amazes me is that Australia is currently completely controlled by external interests in so many areas when we did not need to be. We have our own untouched oil reserves in multiple basins that at even the most conservative estimate could have provided for all our petroleum needs and we just sat back and did nothing. We have locked up coal and uranium and invested nothing into carbon capture technology and instead spent a fortune on renewables that need replacement almost as quickly as they are being rolled out. The US has entire fields filled with junked renewable technology that has no use. Unlike other technologies they are a non-stop spend that will only get more expensive as they continue to ramp up the replacement of them and they will cover this by taxing power companies who will pass it on to low-income earners (but don't worry - our previous PM, and the current, both stated that they are going to make it cheaper for low-income earners to but solar cells on their houses. Yes all three of them. Phil, Ted and Marge). If Australia has one thing in abundance, it is poor leadership in government. And that goes right across the spectrum from left to right. @carbine5378

Dusty Track
2023-10-16 19:05:57 UTC
Chinamen were great eating...those of British origin, too salty...

Aboriginal Cannibalism & Infanticide was common

Dusty Track
2023-10-16 19:14:08 UTC
Post by Dusty Track
Chinamen were great eating...those of British origin, too salty...
Aboriginal Cannibalism & Infanticide was common

One Comment:
Confronting article. There is also the problem with native nutrition – the lack of access to fat, which is essential for primitive living. If you don’t regularly consume fat you will succumb to protein poisoning.
Native animals have very lean meat, and so by themselves are not a suitable source of nutrition. Unless someone is consuming lots of marine animals (fish, seals, etc….) or find an alternative source of fat (humans), it will be a very short life. This is the primary reason that settler live stock made such juicy and temping treats for aboriginal people – docile animals, easy to catch and with lots of fat.
Dusty Track
2023-10-16 19:23:46 UTC
Part 1 in a Series of 4:
