Jewish Fear And Loathing Of Donald Trump: Hitler Comparisons Rampant...
(too old to reply)
2016-04-02 10:09:56 UTC
This is a good measure, not of "Jewish Paranoia", but of "Jewish Cry Baby Carpet Salesmanship".

The disingenuous, fart-gutted Abe Foxman calling himself a "Holocaust Survivor" and proceeding to use this to express indignation at the "Nazi salutes" of Trump and supporters at a Trump rally would be a 10 on the 10 point scale of funny if it wasn't for the power of American Jewry, for whom truth appears to be entirely negotiable.

2016-04-02 10:26:41 UTC
A new hero approaches...remarkable stuff...

Robert Morrow Interview with TWC News

2016-04-03 04:12:30 UTC
Is all this fake (at least at the level of the "Elders of Zion"?)

Another view of the Trump phenomenon:


Infiltrating the Republican Party

Hilarious thread. [Donald Trump] is now so confident of the nomination that he starts maneuvering away from his non-urban White base. White base (here) squirms and rationalizes. We do NOT need Trump in the WH, idiots...that'd be the same old, same old. We need him to blow up the Republiscam party. So non-urban Whites have no place to go but the gun store. -- "StukaPilot"

There is going to be a re-alignment of Middle East states by war and revolution. Pres. Trump might mean an option for transfers from the occupied territories of Israel during upheaval such as an ISIS takeover of Jordan, which would split Israel from the Diaspora and Lobby. There can be a Jewish State of Israel or no transfer of the West Bank Palestinians. Not both. -- "Someday"

"There is great confusion on the "alt-right" and in White Nationalist circles about just what is going on with the Donald Trump campaign. The positives of the Trump campaign cannot be denied, nor should be, nor are: the Trump campaign has made immigration an issue in the elections, has introduced some elements of economic populism and nationalism, and presents a serious challenge to the Republican party establishment. The undeniably positive consequences, so far, have been the total defeat of the Bush dynasty, the discrediting of Conservative Inc., and the possibility of a realignment of the US political system, and perhaps even US imperial policy.

The two comments posted above represent a level-headed understanding of the Trump phenomenon. The first, StukaPilot, explains for what pro-Whites can realistically hope from the Trump campaign, even if it's a tad exaggerated.

The second, Someday, represents what's going on underneath the surface. Someday is a long standing commenter on Kevin MacDonald's site, The Occidental Observer, and he's presumably a right-wing Israeli Jew.

AryanSkynet, thankfully, has not turned into the typical Trump circle-jerk that many similar sites have. Instead, we've offered a realistic picture of just what Donald Trump is and just what he's doing. This writer could not be more proud of that. By refusing to engage in fantasy-football style electioneering, we've received quite a bit of hostility even from insiders.

TrumpLiebermanMy previous article, Reality TV, simply pointed out a number of well know facts about Donald Trump, his career, and his connections. The main takeaways are these: Donald Trump is a shady figure from New York City who is more of a TV actor than a construction magnate. The Trump Organization and the Trump campaign - in fact, the Trump family itself - is intimately tied to not only the Jewish oligarchs of America and the Israel lobby (including it's core organization, AIPAC) but directly to the Likud party of Israel.

Trump is not a really Republican, not a conservative, and a complete outsider to the GOP and its related institutions. His business network is not the business network typical of the oligarchs of the Republican party. Instead, Trump's is far more typical of the business networks of the Jewish Democratic party oligarchs, especially the core of it, his media concerns.

All the positive aspects of Trump's campaign rhetoric so far represent nothing more than poll-tested appeals to the interests of the GOP base - interests that have been long ignored by the GOP establishment, in fact, actively opposed by Conservative Inc. Restricting immigration, economic populism, and an opposition to "political correctness" (read: anti-whiteness) are broadly popular among the White Americans that vote GOP, and among not a few White Americans that vote Democratic, or not at all.

The icing on the cake for the Trump campaign is that quite a bit of this rhetoric is likely to get the votes of far more non-Whites than the GOP typically would. As Steve Sailer has pointed out, Trump's personality and his opposition to illegal immigration could easily translate into record Black and Brown votes for a Republican candidate. Pro-Whites should not necessarily see this as a bad thing. Trump has not appealed to anti-whiteness or pandered to non-whites, but simply to legal American citizens. This "civic nationalism" is the only thing possible in the current system, as the majority of White people are not yet meta-politically prepared for anything more than appeals to implicit whiteness.

Sailer has long discussed what he calls the "Sailer Strategy" which is essentially the opposite of what was Jeb Bush's strategy. White people are the only people that vote for Republicans, so Republican politicians should cater to their base - to "dance with them what brung us."

One can assume that Trump tailored his campaign rhetoric specifically to undermine the "hispandering" of the presumed establishment's choice, Jeb Bush, who at the start of the campaign seemed to be his number one rival. Bush was attempting to follow the establishment GOP's long standing strategy of appealing to America's growing Hispanic population by promoting amnesty and more immigration from south of the border. This, not coincidentally, has the effect of fulfilling the wishes of America's corporate oligarchs for a large "diverse" cheap labor class. Whether passing an amnesty for illegal aliens really would get brown Mestizos to vote for conservative, corporate-friendly Republicans over welfare state Democrats was far from certain anyway.

All of the positive rhetoric coming out of the Trump campaign should not obscure the reality of what's going on, of course. Politicians lie, and Donald Trump is not only a politician, and a notorious liar, he's also a "reality TV" actor - and a professional wrestling star. Taking anything Donald Trump says at face value is childish and naive in the extreme. There's nothing in Donald Trump's past that would indicate he would follow through on any of his campaign promises, and certainly not the ones that appeal to pro-Whites. In many cases, Trump simply couldn't - he's running for President, not Dictator.

A few days after Trump's record wins on super Tuesday, the Republican party establishment trotted out failed candidate Mitt Romney to deliver a full-throated attack on "The Donald." Romney's attacks on Trump were mostly true: he's a con man, he's not really that successful of a businessman, and his campaign promises are mostly a pantload of bullshit that he couldn't get passed anyway. Some of Romney's attacks were false, or irrelevant to the interests of White people. Some seemingly make Trump look good, especially, his attacks on Trump's seeming non-hostility towards Putin's Russia.

And in many ways, the "Putin issue" is the key to what is going on.

Trump has put the GOP establishment in a bind, because the GOP cannot be honest about what Trump is doing without revealing too much about themselves they are hiding from the public. Trump is engaged in what is essentially a hostile takeover of the Republican party at the behest of the Likud party of Israel.

The tick squirms the most when you're pulling it out, and this is the part of my analysis that has generated the most controversy. A lot of people simply don't want to hear it because they are emotionally invested in the Trump campaign, and others have tried to discredit this part of my analysis because they are protecting their own, sometimes intimate ties to Jews and the Zionist entity.

There's quite a lot of misunderstanding about Jews, Israel, and Zionism among "alt-right" and White Nationalist circles. You have some that see a Jewish hand in everything, and some that see a Jewish hand in nothing. Fortunately, everything I'm saying is on the public record, right there in front of everyone's face if they have the courage to look.

The Republican party establishment, like Mitt Romney, generally represent the White elites of America. The major oligarchs that run the GOP are people like the Koch brothers, the executives of the oil companies and defense contractors.

The Democratic party establishment is Jewish. The core of the Democratic party, the DNC, is extremely Jewish and most Democratic party money comes from Jews. Since Jews are a relatively small minority, they must always engage in coalition politics, which is why the Democratic party has morphed into a non-White (and anti-White) coalition. Blacks and Browns may vote Democrat, but they don't pull the strings. Various "urban white liberals" - some of them quite well off - may vote Democrat - but the core ideological and financial power of the Democratic party is that of the Jewish establishment in America.

These well known facts are sometimes obscured by the Republican party's public and comical kowtowing to the Israel lobby, but really these facts explain it. The Democrats don't need to make a big show about their fealty to Israel, because the Democratic party is the Jewish party. Whenever the interests of the Zionist entity are threatened in the Democratic party, things are quietly made right behind the scenes. A few years ago, an attempt was made to reform a plank of the Democratic party platform dealing with Israel; the party elites quickly paired it with some purposefully anti-religious plank designed to be opposed by Black pastors, so both were soundly defeated.

The Obama administration represented the biggest realignment vis-a-vis the Democratic party and Israel, but his administration never opposed Israel or the Lobby, per-se, but instead took the side of the anti-Likud faction. Zionists are not monolithic, and Jews even less so. Understanding the fractures in the Jewish power structure is a key to understanding how things have played out over the last few years.

So we come to Putin, and what Mitt Romney can't say openly.

September 21, 2015:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday to discuss "the Middle East peace process and the fight against the global terrorist threat," the Kremlin said. But in a rare move, Netanyahu brought several top Israeli military and security officials with him to Moscow.



Recently, former Republican Congressman (and reliable Israeli asset) Newt Gingrich made some telling comments about the Republican establishment's hostility to Donald Trump.

Now they are faced with the very real prospect of Donald Trump becoming the leader of the party and it absolutely drives them crazy. Because he's an outsider, he's not them, he's not part of the club. He's uncontrollable. He hasn't been through the initiation rites, he doesn't belong to the secret society. They have no idea how to relate to him.

Now, don't take Gingrich's reference to "the secret society" too literally. He's not talking about the Freemasons or Skull & Bones. It's far more simple than that. Donald Trump is not part of the Republican business establishment, and even though he may be a WASP himself, his milieu is definitely not. New York has never been a stronghold of the GOP. Giuliani may technically have been a Republican, but Manhattan is not the center of gravity of the GOP. It is, however, the center of gravity of the Democratic party. It also happens to be one of the most Jewish cities in the world, and Donald Trump is the guy who serves as the Grand Marshall of the Israel Day parade there.

Take a look at the Republican Congressional delegation, and you'll see a sea of White faces. There's a single Jewish Republican in the 114th Congress, Lee Zeldin - from New York, of course. There are currently ten Jewish Senators, all Democrats save Bernie Sanders, an "independent" who caucuses with the Democrats and is currently Hillary Clinton's main rival in the Democratic Presidential primary. There are 18 Jewish Democrats in the House.

Astonishing that this massive Jewish over-representation in the Democratic party - and their virtual absence from the GOP - goes all but unremarked upon in modern political discourse, isn't it? It's not a secret, and you can be assured that the people who run this country are fully aware of it, and, more importantly, what it means. The same White Republican politicians that swear fealty to Israel are fully aware that most of the Jewish power structure in America is lined up against them. The Republican party oligarchs are fully aware that American Jews vote 80% plus for Democrats and form the core of the liberal establishment.

They simply won't mention it to their constituents. If you mention it, you'll be called an "anti-semite."

"Trump Has Strongest Jewish Ties of all GOP Candidates"

etc at site
2016-04-03 04:42:38 UTC
Cop this:

"The icing on the cake for the Trump campaign is that quite a bit of this rhetoric is likely to get the votes of far more non-Whites than the GOP typically would. As Steve Sailer has pointed out, Trump's personality and his opposition to illegal immigration could easily translate into record Black and Brown votes for a Republican candidate."

This sure as hell figures in class terms - the Negros and Hispanics who want decent work and have some - plebeian - patriotism for America, are likely to be supporters of either Trump or Sanders. Maybe having the wool pulled over their eyes in both cases, but (subjective) opinion also counts - a LOT - today.
2016-04-03 05:26:36 UTC
I'm looking at the scumbag PURELY self-interested member of the Mormon weirdo sect-Globalist Romney video: the girlie dago/Polak (etc etc) wooh...wooh..eeeeehhh - audience...even the whites in America are mongrelised and without real identity. No wonder the cohesive) Jew (even the dregs of the Tribe on the Far Left, who couldn't - not for want of desperate trying - make it into the Jew dominated "Professions" or the rat cunning smartness of Wall Street) run rings around them.

But this isn't the most important part of it (though it surely is central)...
2016-04-03 05:41:31 UTC
He mentions "John McCain" who was - by his own lights - a traitorous coward! And his cowardly filth keeps on keeping on...

Last time I had a group (they are always in groups) of Mormon garbage at the door I threw the scum out and told them what I thought of them.

"Trump has put the GOP establishment in a bind, because the GOP cannot be honest about what Trump is doing without revealing too much about themselves they are hiding from the public. Trump is engaged in what is essentially a hostile takeover of the Republican party at the behest of the Likud party of Israel.

The tick squirms the most when you're pulling it out, and this is the part of my analysis that has generated the most controversy..."
2016-04-03 06:06:53 UTC
This is very interesting and has an interesting materialist ring to it:

"The Obama administration represented the biggest realignment vis-a-vis the Democratic party and Israel, but his administration never opposed Israel or the Lobby, per-se, but instead took the side of the anti-Likud faction. Zionists are not monolithic, and Jews even less so. (DT: my capitalisation) UNDERSTANDING THE FRACTURES IN THE JEWISH POWER STRUCTURE IS A KEY TO UNDERSTANDING HOW THINGS HAVE PLAYED OUT OVER THE LAST FEW YEARS."
2016-04-03 06:14:36 UTC
And here is more depth on a line of argument Vngelis was pursuing some weeks ago.

Maybe this, and the above - kind of half - down-the-middle approach is also vaguely related to some of the utterances srd has spasmodically, but not coherently - made over the last few years.

"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday to discuss "the Middle East peace process and the fight against the global terrorist threat," the Kremlin said. But in a rare move, Netanyahu brought several top Israeli military and security officials with him to Moscow.



Recently, former Republican Congressman (and reliable Israeli asset) Newt Gingrich made some telling comments about the Republican establishment's hostility to Donald Trump.

Now they are faced with the very real prospect of Donald Trump becoming the leader of the party and it absolutely drives them crazy. Because he's an outsider, he's not them, he's not part of the club. He's uncontrollable. He hasn't been through the initiation rites, he doesn't belong to the secret society. They have no idea how to relate to him.

Now, don't take Gingrich's reference to "the secret society" too literally. He's not talking about the Freemasons or Skull & Bones. It's far more simple than that. Donald Trump is not part of the Republican business establishment, and even though he may be a WASP himself, his milieu is definitely not. New York has never been a stronghold of the GOP. Giuliani may technically have been a Republican, but Manhattan is not the center of gravity of the GOP. It is, however, the center of gravity of the Democratic party. It also happens to be one of the most Jewish cities in the world, and Donald Trump is the guy who serves as the Grand Marshall of the Israel Day parade there." etc

The ethno-materialist approach here is very insightful...
Dusty Track
2023-03-15 09:34:42 UTC
Dusty Track
2023-04-23 10:20:41 UTC
Post by Dusty Track
