Fake Labor Party inundates jobs market with “worthless Indian degrees”
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Dusty Track
2023-04-24 09:51:45 UTC
Leith van Onselen
Friday, 21 April 2023
Recall that Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese visited India last month to sign a mutual recognition agreement with counterpart Narendra Modi to expand work rights and immigration for Indians to Australia.

The accompanying joint statement said that Australia would “facilitate the efficient and timely processing of student visa applications for Indian nationals who are offered admission by Australian universities and other vocational training institutes”.

The mutual recognition agreement “will promote and support the mobility of students, graduates, academic researchers, business people and other professionals now and into the future”.

Anthony Albanese said he would expand Australia’s visa processing capability “to enhance the immigration relationship”.

And most important of all, under the Mechanism for Mutual Recognition of Qualifications, “Indian qualifications will be recognised in Australia”.

This agreement, which was clearly drafted by India, requires Australia to recognise all Indian:

Senior secondary education qualifications awarded by a relevant board or council of senior secondary education or awarded by any other authority empowered by the Government of India.
Technical and vocational education and training qualifications awarded by institutions approved by the All-lndia Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and/ or National Council for Vocational Education and Training (NCVET) and/or its equivalent body and State Councils for Vocational Training (SCVT).
Higher education qualifications awarded by institutions authorised by the University Grants Commission (UGC), the All-lndia Council for Technical Education (AICTE), the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), as well as other equivalent bodies.
Australia is, therefore, required to recognise Indian vocational and university graduates to be “holding the comparable AQF qualification for the purposes of admission to higher education”.

“The Government of Australia will [also] deem graduates with the qualifications listed in paragraph 12 [directly above] to be holding comparable Australian qualifications for the purposes of general employment, where such qualifications are required”.

In summary, graduates from Indian tertiary institutions will now be allowed to work in Australia on the same terms as local graduates.

I raised the alarm at this prospect, noting that India’s tertiary education system is far inferior to Australia’s, with their best university ranked at a lowly 415th in the world (and the lowest at 1994th!).

India is renowned for churning out degree shovelware and fake qualifications whose holders will now be able to work in Australia under this mutual recognition agreement.

This week, Bloomberg published an alarming report on India’s “worthless college degrees” that serves as a harbinger of what is in store for Australia under Anthony Albanese’s mutual recognition agreement with India.

Bloomberg notes that “business is booming in India’s $117 billion education industry and new colleges are popping up at breakneck speed… inside small apartment buildings or inside shops in marketplaces. Highways are lined with billboards for institutions promising job placements”.

There are now “thousands of small private colleges that don’t have regular classes, employ teachers with little training, use outdated curriculums, and offer no practical experience or job placements”.

“Half of all graduates in India are unemployable in the future due to problems in the education system”, says Bloomberg.

“Many businesses say they struggle to hire because of the mixed quality of education. That’s kept unemployment stubbornly high at more than 7%”.

“Massive billboards with private colleges promising young people degrees and jobs are ubiquitous”, the report reads.

Bloomberg cites the example of twenty-five-year-old Tanmay Mandal, who paid $4,000 for his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering.

“Despite the cost, Mandal says he ended up learning almost nothing about construction from teachers who appeared to have insufficient training themselves. He couldn’t answer technical questions at job interviews, and has been unemployed for the last three years”.

“Many of my friends are also sitting idle without a job”, said Mandal.

Bloomberg then cites a study by Anil Swarup, a former secretary for school education. In 2018, he estimated that of 16,000 colleges handing out bachelor’s qualifications for teachers, a large number existed only in name.

“Calling such so-called degrees as being worthless would be by far an understatement”, said Anil Sadgopal, former university dean and government advisor.

With this mutual recognition agreement, Anthony Albanese has green-lit a tsunami of fake ‘skilled’ migrant arrivals from India that will undercut Australian workers, suppress wage growth and exacerbate housing and infrastructure strains across Australia.

Young Australians will be shut out of rental accommodation and jobs by Indians that are prepared to work for much lower wages. Older Australians will also find themselves increasingly unemployable over 50.

It is another betrayal of Australian workers by a fake “Labor” Party that is every bit as corrupt and neoliberal as the Coalition, only with a woke coat of paint.

Why isn’t Australia’s union movement pushing back?

About the author

Leith van Onselen is Chief Economist at the MB Fund and MB Super. He is also a co-founder of MacroBusiness. Leith has previously worked at the Australian Treasury, Victorian Treasury and Goldman Sachs.

Dusty Track
2023-04-24 09:53:38 UTC
Post by Dusty Track
Leith van Onselen
Friday, 21 April 2023
Recall that Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese visited India last month to sign a mutual recognition agreement with counterpart Narendra Modi to expand work rights and immigration for Indians to Australia.
The accompanying joint statement said that Australia would “facilitate the efficient and timely processing of student visa applications for Indian nationals who are offered admission by Australian universities and other vocational training institutes”.
The mutual recognition agreement “will promote and support the mobility of students, graduates, academic researchers, business people and other professionals now and into the future”.
Anthony Albanese said he would expand Australia’s visa processing capability “to enhance the immigration relationship”.
And most important of all, under the Mechanism for Mutual Recognition of Qualifications, “Indian qualifications will be recognised in Australia”.
Senior secondary education qualifications awarded by a relevant board or council of senior secondary education or awarded by any other authority empowered by the Government of India.
Technical and vocational education and training qualifications awarded by institutions approved by the All-lndia Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and/ or National Council for Vocational Education and Training (NCVET) and/or its equivalent body and State Councils for Vocational Training (SCVT).
Higher education qualifications awarded by institutions authorised by the University Grants Commission (UGC), the All-lndia Council for Technical Education (AICTE), the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), as well as other equivalent bodies.
Australia is, therefore, required to recognise Indian vocational and university graduates to be “holding the comparable AQF qualification for the purposes of admission to higher education”.
“The Government of Australia will [also] deem graduates with the qualifications listed in paragraph 12 [directly above] to be holding comparable Australian qualifications for the purposes of general employment, where such qualifications are required”.
In summary, graduates from Indian tertiary institutions will now be allowed to work in Australia on the same terms as local graduates.
I raised the alarm at this prospect, noting that India’s tertiary education system is far inferior to Australia’s, with their best university ranked at a lowly 415th in the world (and the lowest at 1994th!).
India is renowned for churning out degree shovelware and fake qualifications whose holders will now be able to work in Australia under this mutual recognition agreement.
This week, Bloomberg published an alarming report on India’s “worthless college degrees” that serves as a harbinger of what is in store for Australia under Anthony Albanese’s mutual recognition agreement with India.
Bloomberg notes that “business is booming in India’s $117 billion education industry and new colleges are popping up at breakneck speed… inside small apartment buildings or inside shops in marketplaces. Highways are lined with billboards for institutions promising job placements”.
There are now “thousands of small private colleges that don’t have regular classes, employ teachers with little training, use outdated curriculums, and offer no practical experience or job placements”.
“Half of all graduates in India are unemployable in the future due to problems in the education system”, says Bloomberg.
“Many businesses say they struggle to hire because of the mixed quality of education. That’s kept unemployment stubbornly high at more than 7%”.
“Massive billboards with private colleges promising young people degrees and jobs are ubiquitous”, the report reads.
Bloomberg cites the example of twenty-five-year-old Tanmay Mandal, who paid $4,000 for his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering.
“Despite the cost, Mandal says he ended up learning almost nothing about construction from teachers who appeared to have insufficient training themselves. He couldn’t answer technical questions at job interviews, and has been unemployed for the last three years”.
“Many of my friends are also sitting idle without a job”, said Mandal.
Bloomberg then cites a study by Anil Swarup, a former secretary for school education. In 2018, he estimated that of 16,000 colleges handing out bachelor’s qualifications for teachers, a large number existed only in name.
“Calling such so-called degrees as being worthless would be by far an understatement”, said Anil Sadgopal, former university dean and government advisor.
With this mutual recognition agreement, Anthony Albanese has green-lit a tsunami of fake ‘skilled’ migrant arrivals from India that will undercut Australian workers, suppress wage growth and exacerbate housing and infrastructure strains across Australia.
Young Australians will be shut out of rental accommodation and jobs by Indians that are prepared to work for much lower wages. Older Australians will also find themselves increasingly unemployable over 50.
It is another betrayal of Australian workers by a fake “Labor” Party that is every bit as corrupt and neoliberal as the Coalition, only with a woke coat of paint.
Why isn’t Australia’s union movement pushing back?
About the author
Leith van Onselen is Chief Economist at the MB Fund and MB Super. He is also a co-founder of MacroBusiness. Leith has previously worked at the Australian Treasury, Victorian Treasury and Goldman Sachs.
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“Indian qualifications will be recognised in Australia”

Great news. Time to go online and purchase a few Indian Phd’s and masters now they are going to be recognised in Australia. Everyone can be a doctor, maybe a specialist. No shortages now.

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LOL – just saw your comment. Vulcan mind meld !

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Great idea!

And as I said before, what is the point of sending Aussie kids for higher education at great cost & HECS debt when most employers will just take the cheapest option for they majority of their employees? This policy is like neolib one that is always suppressing wages of workers, it’s great for individual companies short term but slowly kills your economy over the long term when everyone does it.

This has the potential to do the same, slowly kill off Australia’s education system as people come to realise there is no point for the majority to get an Aussie degree at great cost, this will especially impact foreign students (& new “skilled” immigrants) as they already have poor outcomes from Aussie degrees.

I want to get one for my daughter. She just started primary school, and I want her to get a PhD degree before she finishes kindergarten. 😛

This is great news. Planeloads of Indian Medical specialists will arrive shortly to fill the manufactured shortages in most medical specialities.

Our medical specialist colleges have been waiting for this agreement to pull the plug on the barriers to entry that have kept their incomes nice and fat for decades.


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Hey, specialists are the biggest group of Negative Gearers. Not going to help housing supply ..

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Paul Tucker
Actually politicians are

Paul Tucker
Hate to burst your bubble but the specialist colleges control who is and isn’t a specialist- not the government.

Manufactured shortages of specialists or not it’s a bloody good job for everyone they do.

If you want cheap surgery in India or elsewhere just jump on a plane.

You first…

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Have another read of my comment and that is what i said. The medical colleges control entry.

If you think allowing producers to control entry to a market is necessary to manage standards I have a bridge built by orthopaedic surgeons to sell you.

General Ripper
But Gents, there is some good news in the merde

Currently zillions of punters worldwide go and spend 5 years doing medical qualifications in Russia – where a medicine degree (regardless of your secondary school marks) will probably cost circa 20-40 thousand USD. With Russia not being as flavoursome as it could be courtesy of invading the country next door, aspirants can look at showing their support for Ukraine by doing their course there (including some scope for getting a taste of combat medicine), or other fine vendors of medical qualifications including Georgia, Armenia, Cyprus, Turkey, and Kazakhstan.

Amongst the Russians and Ukrainians I socialise with is a fellow from Mumbai speaking perfect Russky courtesy of his period there (married a Russian). And the clinic where he is the GP is one of the ‘go to’ locations for Russian and Ukrainian speakers in the Western suburbs of Melbourne. I know quite a few Russian (and Ukrainian) doctors (GPs) who have done ‘real’ Russian medicine courses, and they tell me the courses at many regional Russian universities are chock full of punters from Pakistan, India and China (in particular) who come out of these courses and have a medical qualification which enables them to turn up in our local medical centres and practice as GPs.

I looked at getting my son into one of these courses (prior to the Russian invasion and the risk that if he goes to Russia he may get drafted [same as Ukraine]) – but he tells me he will try for Monash pharmaceutical science (he likes his chemistry).

But I am reliably assured that numerous practices around Australia are staffed predominantly by foreign trained GPs, and a large number of them are graduates of ‘You pay and you get the qualification’ types of training…….

And these poor buggers often find it incredibly difficult (and expensive) to get into further courses which would help them become specialists and learn to tough things out in incomes of circa 250-300 grand running locals through the ‘have some rest and a panadol’ routine for lengthy hours at a rate of a new client every ten minutes or so. With you and I, care of the Medicare payment system. making sure their Mercedes and Audis are respectable

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Our trusted medical system has turned into a bad joke.

Albanese – softer than a Tontine pillow

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Albo “he would expand Australia’s visa processing capability “to enhance the immigration relationship””

Albo is far better at immigration increases than ScoMo – Albo is willing to fund the public service, so can get a lot more Visas. The Libs wouldnt fund the public service, and shot their own plans in the foot.

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And most of those new visa processing jobs (none of which I’ve ever seen advertised- wonder why not) will go to a certain SouthCentralAsian nationality, who no doubt will be extremely favourable to their countrymen. This open racism is beyond belief.

Alboponzi is fast becoming the worst PM in living memory, i don’t think scummo would have even done this

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Yep, I expected to be disappointed but Labor are exceeding my wildest expectations. They are unfit for govenment.

500,000 migrants in the year to March 2023, but the media still isn’t covering it. If only ScoMo had such a friendly media.

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This is beyond scandalous with no one held to account. WTF??

Albo is getting ready to sell the entire country. Everything is up for grabs.

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And for generations afterwards he will be remembered by the Australian-Indian Diaspora as a great hero of the people.

So it was decided not to increase the dam wall height to increase the water supply sydney. Lets hope these 900,000 people flying in bring their own water along with their fake degree when the next dry comes El Niño in 2023 becoming more likely, which would result in dry, warm weather across eastern Australia – ABC News

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The proposal to increase the dam wall will not increase water supply : the wall will be there, but the water will remain at the existing level. It is a gross waste of money just to protect those who bought a houses on a flood plane.

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Or for politicians to cover their backsides because they approved the construction of houses on a floodplain

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Its all good as they will be provided priority fountains of water and the legacy Sydney people, Albos despicables will have a weekly ration at full inflated prices issued by Transurban, Living trash in their own country what a achievement crying Albo and RC owners have decided..

Amazing what a ride in a chariot and a good curry can do to your thinking

“A fool flatters himself, a wise man flatters the fool.”Robert Edward Bulwer- Lytton ……..former governor general of India

So on one hand he cries at The Voice as he feels guilty that Aboriginals have been oppressed, marginalised & not been given the opportunities they should have, then he undermines them and the 90% of other young Australians who are not at elite schools & Uni courses!

ALbo and his clown show will blow themselves (and all of us) up. Just watch.

I shake my head. Julia Gillard was a true champ PM compared to this clown.

In all seriousness, the point I cannot get through to my highly “educated” pals in postcode 2602, is that Albanese Tears is not at all a lovely little battler from the projects. But an all-time zealot, determined to trash the things left that I like about Australia, as compared with my other favourite haunts of US and France.

Albanese Madness is taken as read at MB. But locked out of “stakeholder” discourse. Because why, our UN-ratified population deluge can only decay the environment and increase the yawning equality gap. And what stakeholder doesn’t love that? Be they Innes Willox, Richard Denniss, Sally McManus, or Mike Cannon-Brookes.

Rationally, burning our Qualifications Standards on a Ganges Pyre is shocking, and would not yet have been contemplated, in the Labor vocational training system I knew in 1985. Now, betrayal is so pro forma under “Labor”, nobody even notices.

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Albo has 3 houses, and sold one for a $ 1million profit last year. He is the dream for a typical Battler.

He is a zealot but not by himself, Slime mo had his Pentecostals and religious fruitcakes – Albo is backed by powerful imaginary forces, and his unstable actions reflect a mass denial of science and an inability to understand the basics of nationhood.

LOLs. Chinese mate just msg me back after I sent him the tweet, he said, “Is Albo doing it to piss off Xi, such loss of face for China that Chinese education are not recognised they same way”.

Now Albo has India sorted he better get back to some corrupt activity with the Chinese. McGowan has suggested the perfect start. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11993331/Mark-McGowan-suggest-Anthony-Albanese-hold-National-Cabinet-China.html

Why does Albo seem to have no interest in finalising the UK FTA which was meant to allow unlimited numbers of UK citizens under 35, 3 years of work in Australia from i think July this year? Or the EU trade deal for that matter? Curious indeed.

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Wrong colour and no do good milage, plus he is a needy type Albo he needs the glow from his Indian love affair.

He prefers people from SouthCentralAsia. Its open racism.

Trades as well – I feel a Trump starting to form from fragments of Albo hate and tradies consigned to finding something to do with their time, the stars are spining to the right – this will not be pretty.

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A demagogue who is full of it is exactly what we don’t need and most likely what we’ll end up with.

Charles Martin
Oh goodie, more and more standards to drop.

This is quite simply an act of racism against every person not of indian descent. Giving preferential treatment to these rubbish ‘degrees’ shows the traitorous Albanese indian labor party for what it is. This deal is a breach of the racial discrimination act.

Frank Drebin
People will start dieing as a result of these policies sometime in the near future, especially as it relates to technical/vocational professions.

It will be Pink Batts x 1,000.
