On Kosovo Independence-Mikis Theodorakis, Greece
(too old to reply)
2008-03-03 00:00:00 UTC
On Kosovo Independence-Mikis Theodorakis, Greece

On Kosovo Independence and Implications for Greece

Mikis Theodorakis-End the Betrayal and Ugliness

Irrespective of the results of the US elections, ie independently from
who will be the future President, the colossal military machine has
already gone forward with the aim of exterminating all those it feels
to be its enemies. Even Greece which does follow blindly its
instructions. Iran, North Korea, the Arab world and non-subjugated and
naturally among them Russia and in the far depth China.

Then the insolent of South America will have their turn. An immediate
multifaceted many legged like an octopus will make slowly and surely
its appearance in the vanguard of world history. Today's aim are the
Balkans with the main aim the creation of a 'Greater Albania',
starting with Kosovo and in collaboration to those responsible for
mass murders in the KLA-UCK. This was not enough an event
extraordinary for us in and of itself but various 'scientists' chose
the main Polytechnic University to develop in public their basic
demand for a 'Greater Albania', the occupation of Ipirus until Preveza
with the justification that it belonged to Albanian Tsamouria from
where the Greeks threw them out for their criminal acts.

Obviously we are dealing with an organised provocation by the USA so
as to study our reactions and to prepare us psychologically for the
territorial expansion of Albania after Kosovo independence and to a
certain extent the Albanian speakers in Skopje and consequently on our

On the other hand the alliance of Turkey with the USA on Kosovo which
became one of the first to recognise it, is preparing the climate for
devious plans against our country on the basis not only of the Aegean
sea and Cyprus, but the muslim minority in Thrace which following the
example of Kosovo may demand its independence.

The policy of the leadership of Skopje appears to show from first hand
the plans of the USA and that is why they show such disconcern about
their intransigence. That is why in this phase they are allied with
the policy highlighted. But what will they do when the second phase
continues of this friendlyalbanian tactics, whereby their statelet
will be divided in half as they will recognise that they may be called
Macedonians, but ethnically they are part of the enemies with Russia,
Serbia but also Bulgaria and they must not have those illusions as
they are Slavs.

Thus returning to us the Greeks we must see that the situation is
developing as it is developing and it is beyond tragic given the fact
that the Americans aren't convinced however many times the American
friendly leaders in Greece beg them and that is why they are
frightened as they hate our people, who they are conscious of the fact
negate their war plans, that is why they want to punish us with every
means possible unless we decide all together to kneel and kiss their
feet and from now on swear to be good citizens and obedient organs in
their policies.

As the game for us is already lost, then let us fall down with our
head held high. Let us not wait help from anywhere. We neither have
allies, we are all we are, let us at least ensure to become good,
proud and why not happy as we have taken all the big decision to
become one great fist united against the betrayal and the ugliness
which is banging on our door..

For it is a betrayal the independence of Kosovo without the acceptance
of the international community of the UN, the recognition in other
words of a province which has been part of Serbia and what would we
feel if tomorrow we lost half of Cyprus, Thrace and Ipirus?

As it is ugliness to accept to be despised and to be sworn at hidden
under the wings of the Americans by the Skopjians and us to plead to
them and to ask for the intervention of the Americans, losing every
day our dignity and pride.

Lets close our borders lets stop our economic and diplomatic
relationships let us leave them calling themselves what they
want,ridiculing only themselves.

We are obliged to pass from this new test with our head held high. We
may suffer, but the issue is to remain Greeks and we will remain
Greeks if we do not forget from how many tests we have passed till now
as in the end we came out victorious.

The same will occur in the future.
Mikis Theodorakis
2008-03-03 09:07:58 UTC
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2008-03-03 09:46:32 UTC
Νato tries to heal Macedonia row
By Malcolm Brabant
BBC News, Athens

Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
Diplomats are sure Mr de Hoop Scheffer's plea will fail
Nato's secretary general is to visit Athens to try to convince Greece
not to block the membership of the former Yugoslav Republic of

Monday's visit of Jaap de Hoop Scheffer is part of a campaign of
growing international pressure on Greece.

Athens has threatened to veto its northern neighbour unless it
compromises over its official name.

Greece is convinced the former Yugoslavs have territorial designs on
its northern province of Macedonia.


Nato wants the former Yugoslav republic beneath its umbrella as a
safeguard against the country dividing between the Slav majority in
the east and the Albanian minority in the west.

But diplomats here are sure that Mr de Hoop Scheffer's appeal to
Greece not to use its veto will be rejected.

Greek Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis has made it clear that unless
the government in Skopje agrees to change its current name, Macedonia,
the veto will be applied.

The UN's special envoy, Matthew Nimetz, has proposed five alternative
names and began new talks in New York on Friday in an attempt to reach
a solution, but he says there is a substantial gap between the two

The dispute is seen as a very petty one in many corners of the world.

But a survey in Sunday's respected Kathimerini newspaper reveals that
84% of Greeks are in favour of vetoing what they call "the Skopjans"
if there is no compromise.

In terms of domestic politics, Mr Karamanlis has very little room for

He only has a majority of two seats in parliament. His administration
- narrowly re-elected last September - is hugely unpopular.

The latest opinion polls show that voters are abandoning the ruling
Conservatives in droves.

To show weakness over an issue that generates such passionate
nationalistic sentiments would be terminal for Mr Karamanlis.
